The GreasePak Dosing Fluid is a strong yet environmentally-friendly bio-enzymatic fluid designed to degrade FOGs (Fats, Oil and Grease). It is dosed via connection to the GreasePak dosing module (CC578).
Greasepak dosing units are easily maintained and suitable for both commercial and home use. The 5 litre fluid bags will last for one month of continuous use, and can be safely replaced without any technical requirements or expertise. The fluid works by a process of bio-degradation, helping to keep our environment clean and healthy in a cheap and efficient manner. GreasePak is a CE certified biological drain maintenance system which releases a daily dose of bio-fluid into drains in order to degrade FOGS. nGreasePak complies with FOG removal laws such as BS EN1825, and benefits from a cost-effective and low maintenance refill procedure. The law dictates that commercial kitchens are fitted with a compliant grease separator or other means of grease separation, such as Greasepak. The module is also classified under `Hazard Group 1², meaning that the naturally-occurring microorganisms within its bio fluid are not harmful in any way.
GreasePak MSGD5 Dosing Fluid x 3 and GreasePak Dosing Module Battery Operated Starter Pack - Product Information
The automated system is a perfect alternative to traditional dosing systems which rely on large chemical drums on the kitchen floor, supplied via a mechanical pump. The GreasePak battery-operated dosing unit is compact and space saving, providing a simple solution to FOG waste management and disposal.
Within the GreasePak module, there are no floor drums or containers to be replaced, but instead a bio fluid pack can be quickly, safely and hygienically replaced, maintaining free-flowing drains and saving costs. nUnlike traditional FOG disposal systems such as Grease Traps (or Fat Traps) which require a regular cleaning service, GreasePack removes this need. Greasepak can be used in conjunction with a grease trap or by itself as an effective oil waste management solution.
Using the Greasepak module results in clearer drains, better water efficiency, and a more pleasant scent around sinks and drains. There is less risk of insect or rodent infestations and the population of beneficial bacteria continues to break down waste effectively downstream. nIt's also easy to clean, with only a disposable cloth and fresh water required. The wall-mounted GreasePak module is ideally used in busy kitchens and food preparation areas, blending easily into its surroundings with neutral colours.
Capacity 3 x 5 Ltr
Helps to keep drains clear
Effective on fat, oil and grease
Each 5 Ltr fluid box is approximately one months supply (CC579 sold separately)
Minimises rodent and insect infestations
Environmentally friendly and safe to use
Easy to install, operate and clean
Biological solution actively eats organic material
Automatic daily dosage
Lockable door
Due to the high cost of carriage and handling a restocking fee of up to 25% is applied to this product if returned